

Long Nose Surgery

Long-nosed Surgery to Restore the Golden Ratio of the Face!
With abundant knowledge, we offer a solution that fits your nasal symptom perfectly!

What is Long Nose Surgery?

In cases where the nose is longer than the facial ratio, or when the aspect ratio of the face is correct but the nose looks longer, even if the nasolabial angle (the angle from the nose tip to the lips) is less than 90°. With this case, the surgery to fix the droopy nose tip is called a long nose surgery to produce the nasolabial angle between 95° ~ 105°, which rises slightly like a semi-curvy nose. The cause of a long nose is carefully identified before diagnosing the appropriate procedure for the surgery.

Characteristics of
Cinderella’s Long Nose Surgery

The golden ratio for a facial length is when the uppe, middle and lower face is at a ratio of 1:1:1. A long nose can make the central area of your face look longer, older and a little fierce.
In this case, Cinderella performs a detailed examination and customised surgery procedure to adjust to the patient’s symptoms. Specialists who are extremely experienced and have years of knowledge perform the surgery while taking into consideration the facial balance, which will result in very high satisfaction for the patients.

Lone Nose Surgery Process

1. Lower Nasal Cartilage Rhinoplasty

A tiny part of lower nasal cartilage near the tip is removed, and the rest of the cartilage is then sutured which makes the nose tip point upwards.

2. Nasal Septum Cartilage Rhinoplasty

If a portion of the corner of a septal cartilage is cut off, the nose tip will naturally rotate upwards.
We can then move the cut cartilage into the nose bridge and rotate the low nasal cartilage to move upwards.

Long Nose Surgery Candidates

  • If the tip of your nose is drooping and your nose looks longer

  • Long nose compared to overall face ratio

  • If your nose looks longer when you smile

Surgery Information of
Long Nose Surgery

Type of Anesthesia

Local sedation

Duration of Surgery

An hour 30 minutes
~ 2 hours


Not Required

Post-surgery Treatment

3 Procedures

Removal of Stitches

7 Days after Surgery

Possible Date of Departure

7 ~ 10 Days after Surgery

Before & After


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Surgery Type


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